Did you know you had all this inside of you?
Hey Springster!
We’re about to let you in on a big secret. Are you ready? Ok here it goes.
Life isn’t easy, trust us, we understand how you feel. Every week brings new challenges and in the face of these challenges we all have two options. Give up, or find the strength to keep going.
What option do you think a Springster would choose? OPTION 2, of course! A Springster may feel like giving up, but then she remembers the superpowers within her.
You may be thinking, “Me? Superpowers? No way, I’m just a normal girl.” Well you’re not. If you read Springster stories regularly and call yourself a Springster you have access to certain powers that will give you strength to overcome most challenges.
Superpower 1: You’ve got CONFIDENCE
Being a Springster gives you 101 reasons to believe in yourself. When you believe in you, it gives you the confidence you need to overcome barriers and change the community around you. Never forget you are valuable and your life has purpose. You can unlock your confidence by believing in the gifts and talents within you, putting in the work to grow them, and then using them to help others.
Superpower 2: You’ve got STRENGTH
If you’re ever feeling like something is impossible, remember all the amazing things girls like you are achieving every day all over the world! If they can do it, so can you. So when dealing with a big challenge, never forget the strength within you that comes from being a girl.
Superpower 3: You’re NEVER ALONE
When times are tough, you can find support with friends, family and your fellow Springsters – you don’t have go through life on your own. We’ve got your back! If you ever feel overwhelmed by a challenge, asking for help is a smart thing to do!
P.S join our Facebook community for even more Springster tips
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